Sunday, March 6, 2022

A small response to a small critique

Participatory economics proposes a system in which the planners communicate with the “participating” individuals, supposedly ones living in a commune together, to coordinate and meet the needs/wants of the people. The issue here is that the ECP deals with allocating the factors of production. It does not deal with the distribution of goods and services. Even under an economy that utilizes participatory economics, central planners could not determine how to allocate these factors of production rationally without a market-based price system. (from Debunk the ECP 🗿)

1. Parecon is not planners talking with "participating" individuals; what a laughable explanation! The simplest way to explain it is by recognizing 4 main ideas; (1), worker councils and consumer councils to represent supply and demand respectively, (2), participatory planning, (3) remuneration according to effort & sacrifice, and (4), self-management as having a say over the things that effect you.

2. Parecon deals with the allocation of factors by making worker councils submit production requests, where they say what they want to make and what they need to make it.

3. Parecon is not central planning; it is, in fact, as opposed to central planning as it is to markets.

Friday, March 4, 2022

A list of organizations to check out

 I'm mostly running dry of ideas for actual posts as of now, so I wasn't able to post anything for February. However, what I am able to do for now is to share a couple of organizations that I personally find amazing and believe should be supported by everyone. Hopefully, this will make up for my silence.

Political Violence At A Glance; an organization dedicated to studying violence -

Lausan; a Hong-Kong-based news site that talks about China from a decolonial perspective -

Real Utopia; an organization dedicated to participatory economics, and the one that I hope to be more active with -

Deliberative Democracy Digest; a companion digest to the Journal of Deliberative Democracy that talks about the recent developments in the ideas of deliberative democracy -

Real-World Economics Review; a pretty good economics journal -

A small qualm about definitions

 One of the small, nagging issues I've found myself occasionally re-encountering is the definition of a commodity. My post on this is pa...